Exit Planning Resources

Building Business Value: Where to Start

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

Building business value serves many masters. Explore the foundational questions that start you down the path of building the value that will support your next chapter.

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

If you plan on buying out your partner, here are some steps to take to get you started.

Can You Afford to Sell to your Employees

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

Learn how to create a good plan and follow a two stage strategy to sell to your employees.

Cash Flow Forecasting: The Ultimate Reality Check

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

Cash flow forecasting is foundational to planning your best exit strategy.

Charting a Course for Your Exit

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

This article explores where to start, as well as the consequences of not planning for your exit.

Estate Planning or Exit Planning. Which Comes First?

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

Exit planning and estate planning are important items for every business owner complete. But which should you focus on first?

Exits Are Inevitable. Failure is Not. 

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

“The best time to plant a tree is yesterday. The second best time is today.” Why? You will leave your business one way or another. If you want to leave on the best possible terms, you need to start now.

Growing business value — get beyond the numbers

Author: Tom Siders

More than 250,000 businesses with revenue between $5 million and $100 million in revenue will attempt an ownership change by 2030. So, it should not be a surprise that many business owners are starting to give serious thought to the process of selling their business.

Cash Flow: How Critical is it to Planning Your Exit

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

Cash flow is still the top attribute sought by buyers. This article addresses the importance of cash flow and information on using projected cash flow.

Intro to Exit Planning: 8 Ways to Exit

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

There are eight ways to exit your business, and three steps to determine which way is right for you.

Keeping It in the Family

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

If you’ve decided to transfer your company to your business active child, here are two scenarios for you to consider.

Lifetime Buyout of a Co-Owner

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

A buy-sell agreement drafted before a lifetime buyout means all owners can anticipate and manage each of four major issues discussed in this article.

My Lawyer Told Me Not to Do It

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

Has your lawyer, CPA, or insurance professional told you that you should not even think of transferring your business to your child or key employees? Do you want to do it anyway?


Selling to Insiders

Author: Jeff Johnson

If you plan on selling your business to your children, key employees, or to other co-owners, here are ten things to keep in mind.

Selling Your Business to Outsiders

Author: Tom Siders

Selling your business to outsiders yields better results, right? This article discusses risk in third party sales as well as selling to an insider as an alternative.

Selling Your Business Using Intermediary

Author: Jeff Johnson

Consider these advantages to using an intermediary when selling your business.

Six Estate Planning Questions

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

Avoid this business succession scenario by answering these six estate planning questions.

So You’re Never Leaving. Have a Plan for That?

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

If you want to continue on with your business indefinitely, you still need to develop a thoughtful plan to maximize your likelihood of success.

Stepping Away from the Store

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

Stepping away from the store? This article discusses intermediate exit plans that allow others to run the business while you maintain ownership and control.

“Take Control of Your Exit”



“Take Control of Your Exit” was presented by Upsize Magazine’s Club E in August 0f 2017. LHP’s Tom Siders is one of panelist providing insight into the importance of having and executing an exit plan for your business.

Advantages of a Well-Conceived Buy-Sell Agreement

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

This article explores the advantages of a (well-drafted and recently-reviewed) buy-sell agreement.

The Essential Business Document: Business Continuity Agreement

Author: Tom Siders

If you co-own your business, having a business continuity agreement is crucial. Having an agreement that is current is even more important.

Key to Successful Employee Buyout

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

The most common obstacle to an employee buyout is cash. This article discusses how to overcome this obstacle by designing a sound buyout plan.

Transition Planning Puts You in the Driver’s Seat

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

Learn the four basic transition planning steps, as well as techniques to increase the value of your business.

What if I Don’t Have an Transition Plan_

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

Having a transition plan in place puts you in the driver’s seat when it comes time to leave your business; whether departure is expected or unexpected.

What You Need to Know About Your Buy-Sell Agreement

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

This article addresses how to make your buy-sell agreement work well in a lifetime transfer.

When a Co-Owner Leaves Too Soon

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

Most closely-held business owners are full-time employees (and more) in their businesses. What happens when one of the owners wants or needs to leave the company?

White Paper: Business Continuity Planning

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

This business continuity white paper addresses the common reasons businesses fail when owners leave, and how to protect the future of your business.

Exit Routes for Business Owners

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

This white paper examines the advantages and disadvantages of each exit route, and details a process that enables owners to choose the best path for them.

Will You Get Enough if You Sell

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders

The first thing a business owner considering an exit strategy wants to know is, “What is my business worth?” The next question is, “How much do I need once I leave?”

You Will Leave Your Business

Author: Jeff Johnson and Tom Siders, Published in Bellwhether

You will leave your business. It may not be today or tomorrow. It may not be by choice, but you will leave your business. Do you have a plan for that?