Client/Customer Loyalty

Do you know why your customers buy from you or what compels clients to use your services?

Do you know why your clients and customers choose to stay with you over the long-term?

Would it help you build your business if you knew about the unmet and emerging needs of your clients and customers?

Do you “think” you know the answers to these questions, or do you “know” you know?  At L. Harris Partners we conduct customer loyalty assessments that help  B2B and B2C businesses build value and grow by answering these and related questions.


Client/Customer Loyalty Assessments offer a high ROI potential by:

  • Providing you with unbiased market-based facts and perceptions
  • Uncovering a roadmap to increase your market and wallet shares as well as the bottom line
  • Identifying clients/customers who will refer you onto others
  • Discovering insights that help increase your “win” rates at the bidding table
  • Reducing client/customer defections
  • Accelerating the rate of change in your employees’ behaviors and your company culture

We conduct independent third party assessments using our proprietary process called VitalSigns VOC® that:

  • Provides you with an assessment of your firm’s Net Promoter Score® (likeliness of your clients and customers to refer you onto others)
  • Identifies who is loyal to your business and those most vulnerable to your competitors
  • Reveals clients/customers with cross-selling opportunities
  • Shows you which clients/customers currently use more than one provider and where your organization ranks among them
  • Identifies Perception Gaps℠ between your clients and customers and the people in your organization who serve them

We gather our data and information face-to-face, via the telephone, and electronically.  We do so using structured, disciplined, and repeatable processes.  Our services are delivered exclusively by c-level executives who understand “both sides of the equation”, know how to ask questions and have the experience to ask the questions that should be asked, and are able to get to the core issues quickly and can see big-picture trends and themes.